Welcome to The Dregs, what's left matters.
It's November 9th, 2024 and our country has just reelected Simon Says. Since his real name has eclipsed that of Jesus Christ in Google results that's how I will refer to him here. And let's face it....it fits. He says put on a red hat, it's on. He says deep state, his followers say deep state. He says elections are rigged.......well, HOPEFULLY, you get the picture here.
I am a thinker, an analyst by nature. Which means I spend time to understand things that aren't clear on the surface. Is it normal? I think so....to an elemental level of being human. However, as I've gotten older I realize there are more and more of us that don't bother. Many use the "I don't have time" or the "It makes my head hurt" excuse. And then there are a few of us leftover that truly cannot rest without some meaningful explanation to the problems we face. We are "The Dregs". The truth of it all is the previous excuses aren't truthful. Ttoo many people simply don't care....or don't care enough to realize that nothing really happens in a vacuum. And so yes, everything does happen for a reason. And yes, I'm more interested in the real reasons more than fearing they'll be uncomfortable ones.
This site is dedicated to outlining common sense solutions to problems...or at least discuss the solutions out loud. It's part therapeutic, mixed with an ounce of seriousness and adding a dash of humor along the way for sanity's sake. The resource that fuels this site is frustration. A constant questioning of how our societal problems grow, without tremendous concerns or time being spent to identify lasting solutions.
Some of our musings are very political, some will be civil, and some personal journeys. We don't seek likes or clicks, after all...."The Dregs" are the leftovers. It's the backwash...the crumbs...It's what's left after the party's over. It's the time and patience we have left at the end of a tough day. It's the amount of selfless interest your friends and family may have. Sometimes it's what's leftover of our time in an eroded commitment to God. It's what's left of a child's attention span after a video game binge. The Dregs can be the money leftover after grocery shopping. It's what's left of our willingness to sacrifice. And unfortunately, it can be the people leftover after our political selection process has played out. The people that have sacrificed their morals, their ethics, their trust, and their credibility. Simon Says "Make America Great Again", but in the process has been willing to destroy the Dregs of greatness that were leftover.
My name is Cole Dorsey. I'm a father of two in his late forties. I'm a coach, a business owner, and an IT professional. Beyond that....I'm a perfectionist, a minimalist, an analyst, a pessimist, and sometimes a protagonist. I am a student of God without a degree. I'm an investor, a tester, thinker, and love to tinker. I believe in trust, loyalty, selflessness, respect, openness, equality, civility... and the opposites of all these qualities if mistreated. I believe in three strikes.....in baseball and with people. I believe true colors are always camoflaged and guarded when they shouldn't be. And....I'm blunt. Not tactful. I'm doubtful, but hopeful. I believe money is a tool, not a measurement. I believe we are growing more corrupt, more Godless, and in so doing....more careless about our actions and their effects.